Water Damage Restoration - Desert Palms Carpet Cleaning in Roswell, New Mexico
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Water Damage and Restoration in Roswell, NM

Water damage is one of the most common issues plaguing homeowners. If a pipe breaks or a flood comes through your neighborhood and you need water removal, trust the experts to take care of any damage to your property. Desert Palms will restore your home, save everything we can and replace what we can’t. Rest easy knowing you can restore your home without breaking the bank. We work with all insurance companies in the Roswell, New Mexico area.

Water Damage Restoration Services

Don’t wait until the damage is irreversible, contact Desert Palms. the moment you notice water damage or you are in need of water removal services.

Mold Remediation

When a home suffers a water damage, a mold can quickly grow and spread throughout a home in as little as 48 hours. Because mold can produce allergens and irritants, you will want a professional that has training and experience to properly resolve the mold infestation.

Water Damage Restoration

We are Roswell’s water removal and cleanup specialists,ready to repair your home when flooding or water leaks cause water damage. We quickly dry your property to make sure your property is dry.

Full Service Repair and Remodeling

Our sister company, JAC Construction is a professional residential and commercial construction company serving the Roswell, New Mexico area offering a comprehensive selection of residential and commercial renovation services. JAC Construction has the experience to deliver your remodel project on time and on budget. Contact Us today to discuss your repair or remodel project.

Customer Reviews

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Contact Us

Desert Palms is a professional cleaning company serving the Roswell, New Mexico area. Contact Us today for a free quote!

Desert Palms, LLC

514 W 11th St

Roswell, NM


Email:     jason@jac-roswellnm.com

Phone:     (575) 626-9460


    (575) 626-9460