Upholstery Cleaning - Desert Palms Carpet Cleaning in Roswell, New Mexico
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Upholstery Cleaning in Roswell, NM

Let Desert Palms give new life to your furniture with our upholstery cleaning service. Like the flooring in your home or business, your upholstery will last longer when it’s professionally cleaned. We can make it look new! Our exclusive cleaning solution and powerful cleaning system gently restores your furniture to a beautiful look you may have not thought possible. The dirt, dust, crumbs, and other debris will be pulled out, leaving a clean, renewed surface.


Our specially formulated mild cleaning solution and uniquely designed equipment cleans any upholstered surface, from couches to love seats, from recliners to dining room chairs, and even upholstery in all your vehicles. We avoid the use of harsh chemicals to avoid those unpleasant odors that cleaning chemicals sometimes give off. Our services also include the cleaning of futons and mattresses.


Our upholstery cleaning technicians will take the time to determine the type of upholstery your furniture is made of and then use the appropriate cleaning method. You’ll be amazed at how quickly your upholstery dries (drying times vary depending upon fabric type).

Customer Reviews

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Contact Us

Desert Palms is a professional cleaning company serving the Roswell, New Mexico area. Contact Us today for a free quote!

Desert Palms, LLC

514 W 11th St

Roswell, NM


Email:     jason@jac-roswellnm.com

Phone:     (575) 626-9460


    (575) 626-9460